
Monday, December 16, 2019

Summer learning journey week 1 day 1 activity 1

For this activity, make a list of ten food items that you could take with you. Please think carefully about what you will take as you won’t have access to a refrigerator or freezer while at sea. Please explain why you would select each item.
On your blog, post your list of 10 food items you would take on an ocean voyage and the reasons why you chose these items.
1. Bread - I would bring bread so that I wouldn’t starve to death
Image result for bread
2. Water - I would bring water so I wouldn’t dehydrate to death
Image result for Water
3. Fruit - I would bring fruit so if the bread expires then I can eat the fruit
Image result for Fruit
4. Candy - I would bring candy so I can enjoy something on the trip
Image result for candy
5. Meat - I would bring meat so I can eat something that is tasty
Image result for Meat
6. Chips - I would bring chips so I can make a meal with the meat and the bread
Image result for chips
7. Cheese - I would bring cheese because cheese can last long
Image result for cheese
8. Ice blocks - so I can taste something cold
Image result for ice blocks
9. Noodles - I would bring noodles because you can eat it raw or cooked
Image result for Noodles
10. Veggies - So I can eat something healthy
Image result for vegetables

My favourite food is meatballs and pasta


  1. Kia ora Iverson,

    Good afternoon! How are you doing today? My name is Olive and I am one of the blog commentors for The Summer Learning Journey! I’m so excited to see what you and your classmates come up with!

    Congratulations on a great first post! I think it was super cool, the way you listed all your food choices, and included pictures! It made your blog post very visibly appealing! Ka pai! I also appreciate all the reasons you gave. They were very thoughtful and it’s obvious you gave the activity a good go. Just remember to link your image on your blog - include a link to the artwork as it’s super important for your readers to see where all the photos come from! Other than that, great job for all your effort!

    What is your favourite food? I love pasta and cheese, it’s so good!

    Ngā mihi,

    1. Hi there

      thank you for giving me feedback on my blog and for helping me improve my blog
