
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

My special day at a VR studio in the holidays

My special day at a VR studio
In the holidays me and my friends went to a VR studio for my birthday first we picked up Solomone he got me a letter then we went to go pick up Alfred.

When my mum went to go get him Solomone ruined his gift in his card he said “ I got you 50$ dollars and there’s a letter in there “ ( of course there’s going to be a letter in the card ).

So then we went to my dad’s house to get the van so we can get Charis and Gabriel.

So we went to get Gabriel when we saw him he was standing outside with a present then my mum went to get him and when he got inside the car Gabriel said “ hi guys I got you a present Iverson... “.

Then we went to go get charis when we were on the way I asked my mum “ after we pick up charis will we pick up Izayah or Cameron “ then my mum said “ Cameron and Izayah can’t come… “.

So we just went to the VR studio when we got there I saw Fano ( he’s my cousin ) my friends didn’t see him since they hardly know him so when me and my friends and Fano went in there were already people there.

Then a lady came towards us and she told us “ hi guys welcome to the VR studio as you can see there are already people here so I will want to get you to go up the stairs there are playstations and nintendos “.

So we ran up the stairs and when we got up the stairs there was nobody there so we were so lucky straight away I went on tekan with my cousin Marcus oh I forgot to mention Marcus.

He won ( as always ) but the second round I won and when I played with Alfred I always won he said “ stop cheating and you cheated “ and I told him “ I’m not even cheating “.

Then I went to play the other games then my dad called us because now we can play VR then the lady that told us the games that was up stairs she told us the rules and then we went to pick a space.

Once we picked our spot the lady put my headset and controllers on then we could play which game we want I chose Richie’s plank experience.

Richies plank experience is about a man who wants to go to work through an elevator.

He see’s there are new floors so he checks them out first ( since he’s two hours early ) he checks out the plank straight away he goes to the next floor because he is to scared.

This game was my favourite game I ever played on VR. We then played all together in one game.

There were 23 games to play. I played all of them. Our time was up my mum and dad prepared us food so we went to the table we said the prayer and we ate some pizza and chips.

I asked my mum “ can we go back up to where the nintendo and playstations are please “ my mum said “ ok but after you eat your food “ we were excited so we gobbled up all our food.

Then we ran up the stairs and there people we were a little bit bummed out so we just played the games that were left after all of that my dad called us because us because we needed to go.

That day was the funniest day of my life I hope we can go again.

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